Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Advice for Reducing Waste

what advice do i have for those of us who want to reduce their waste?

change your focus. send your kids to camp (my favorite). stop eating. stay home. don’t go anywhere. don’t vacuum (also my favorite). don’t wash anything (another favorite). and certainly, don’t throw anything away! just sit in a big pile and cry.

seriously though. i have been buying much less of everything since i realized how dangerous plastic was and decided to boycott it. i notice how so much of everything i had been buying is in it. wow! plastic rules! plastic is everywhere! and wow! my cupboard has been getting pretty bare.

what i noticed was that my point of view has shifted. i no longer go to the store thinking, what do we want to eat, what do i want to buy, or what would make my family happy? but rather, is it in plastic and can i/we do without it? are there glass or metal container equivalents? what would make my family really miserable?

thusly, i have been able to reduce my waste and plastic consumption a lot. my lovely mate is supportive as he notes that we can easily see the back of the fridge now, on every shelf too. and i clearly see how much it needs to be cleaned. the good part is i seem to be losing weight too.

also, my concentration is being improved by the need to think a head more. i need to remember and prepare more for outings in the real world. do i have my bags with me? do i have any containers that i can use? what route do i need to take to buy locally most efficiently?

the truth is even if i don’t plan on shopping, i might think of something later on, or be distracted enough to just find myself walking around in some market chasing my 3 year old as he drives away from me in his car-cart.

really, it takes focus and dedication. looking at that great free ranged ham and controlling my impulse to buy because i don’t want the plastic, is definitely making me skinnier. spending much more time preparing food than it is to eat it, i realize how difficult life used to be before all these conveniences, and understand better why plastics and the tv dinners were embraced to begin with. sometimes i even want to hug a garbage bag, i mean a good hot dog, but then i want to shower.

boringly, i recognized that it would help the most if i just kept my bags and jars into the car. that means putting them there when they are emptied or washed. but that is me because my planning ahead capacities are limited to making sure my son has a snack and i have directions to where i am going. and since i try to limit my driving as well, i need to try to remember that my shopping will be done during the day while i am otherwise out and about.

changing my focus is changing my lifestyle. i go to the farm for milk and am working on making my own cheese. mozzarella, here i come!


  1. this was one of the hardest shifts for me leaving the west coast. many of these eco infrastructure questions were built into my lifestyle in community supported ways. for example, our local coop provided recycled containers that had been returned by customers and washed/sanitized by volunteers so there were always real bulk options right there at the counter. we had planned ahead together, saying this is something we value.

  2. i think this is a great idea! i did find out that my local health food store and actually supermarket has a tare function. but it certainly would be nicer if we had a coop like what you are talking about. in fact, i would love it if people would get together and make a coop incorporating that idea.

  3. I've been telling the people at the convenience stores not to bother with a bag if I have less than an arms worth of purchases. I've become very skilled at doing this. And I usually bring as canvas bag around with me everywhere so I can at least try to eliminate this issue with craptastic plastic. Julie Vanderliee from Roosevelt somehow figured out a way to make weaved bags out of plastic bags and I think thats a kick ass idea, because not only are you recyling it your saving money! You should look this up online and see if your able to find a web site that teaches how to do this. If I find it I'll send the link your way!!!
