Sunday, February 14, 2010

riding the diva

the ebb and flow of life has swept me away from writing for a while. i am gratified to find that some people actually missed my writing and to you i dedicate this work

change is a constant, yet conscious change is difficult. i have come across many blockages in my eco-warrior attempts. some i like to blame on my family who, quite naturally want what they want and don’t really give a rat’s ass that their chips come in a plastic bag.

that is hard to butt up against on a daily basis and not give in to unless i want to spend all my time in the kitchen, or be the queen bitch.( but that is not the point, but quite the potential article.) the point is to find the ways that i am moving forward. and i feel i am. my world view is evolving and my life moving in a way that i feel i am becoming more representative of what i want to become.

that sounds wierd. but really, how do you grow and change? first you get the idea and then you try to implement it. but as a human, i find i need to do it piece by piece. not a big jump in the hole.... just to go argghhhh, and splat.

so, my big development this past month or so was buying a diva cup. for those of you that don’t know, a diva cup is a menstrual cup. i really hated throwing away all those disgusting “feminine hygiene” products. our womyn’s time of the month is a sacred time, sometimes a difficult and intense time. to compound that with throwing away this product of our body, our blood, in fast food like that not even the worms can get at it is just plain gross.

not only do i get crampy, crappy, and cranky when i get my cycle, but my sensitivities are heightened by my connection to the bloody earth. in short, i was particularly disgusted by the deluge of bloody garbage. my precious bodily fluids should go into the ground nourishing her, should not be wrapped in chlorinated paper and encased in multiple layers of plastic.

but it took me a long time to get up the nerve and also, the money to buy a diva cup (tm). and i feel as though i have taken a real leap in the right direction. sure, it is a bit messy, a bit funky to insert, take out, dump and wash. but i don’t remember a time that having my period wasn’t messy. it feels sooooooooooooooo good to not throw all that stuff away and away. (and not to have to carry all those tampons and pads around.)

why did it take me years to try this? money is one answer and it is part of what the problem is. in order to do the right thing often, it costs more to start with. with the diva cup, i invested $30 and don’t have to spend $10 or more a month on pads and tampons. that only takes 3 months to start to get a return on my investment. there is so much in our lives that is like that. spend more time planning and preparing, spend more for the future instead of just going with the flow...